Elizaveta Ivanova

immagine per Elizaveta Ivanova

Elizaveta Ivanova


Dal 2022 Elizaveta Ivanova è Primo Flauto Associato della Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra. Prima, dal 2017 al 2022, tiene lo stesso ruolo alla St. Petersburg Symphonic Orchestra. Dal 2009 al 2014 studia al St. Petersburg Music Lyceum con Vladimir Ushakov, perfezionandosi successivamente al St. Petersburg State Conservatory (con O. Chernyadeva e K. Kuelyar) e alla Music Academy di Basilea con Felix Renggli. Nel 2023 vince il primo premio e alcuni premi speciali al Geneva International Competition. Ha vinto premi anche in parecchie competizioni come il Crusell Flute Competition (Finland), il Cluj International Flute Competition (Romania), e il Maxence Larrieu Flute Competition (France), in più raggiunge le semifinali del Kobe Flute Competition in Giappone. Nel 2024 Elizaveta viene assunta come artista della BBC New Generation per un periodo di due anni. Si esibisce regolarmente come solista e con gruppi da camera, collabora con orchestre e partecipa a vari festival musicali come il Lubljana Music Festival, lo Slovenian flute festival, l’Austrian Flute Festival, ecc.

Since 2022, Elizaveta Ivanova has been the Associate Principal Flute of the Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra. Previously, from 2017 to 2022, she held the same position at the St. Petersburg Symphonic Orchestra. From 2009 to 2014 studied at the St. Petersburg Music Lyceum under Vladimir Ushakov, continuing her education at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory (with Prof. O. Chernyadeva and K. Kuelyar) and Music Academy in Basel with the prof. Felix Renggli. In 2023 won the first prize and a few special prizes at the Geneva International Competition. She has also won prizes in several flute competitions, including the Crusell Flute Competition (Finland), Cluj International Flute Competition (Romania), and the Maxence Larrieu Flute Competition (France), reached the semifinals of the Kobe Flute Competition in Japan. In 2024, Elizaveta has been selected as a BBC New Generation Artist for a period of two years. She regularly performs as a soloist and with chamber music groups, collaborating with orchestras and participates in various music festivals such as the Lubljana Music Festival, Slovenian flute festival, Austrian Flute Festival, etc.

Elizaveta Ivanova per Flautissimo

Sogno a occhi aperti #04

10 Nov 2024
Teatro Palladium